
Founded by Sumi Sastri, artist, writer and software developer, concentric circles digital is a London-based, digital transformation consultancy.

Sumi is a certified Agile Scrum Master and IT project management consultant.

Sumi has a masters in Political Economy from the London School of Economics and Politics and speaks Italian, French, Spanish, Tamil and Hindi.

In industry, Sumi was a regional manager for the Economist Group’s European territories, the head of digital marketing for S&P Global Platts and a digital commodities’ correspondent for Dow Jones Inc.

Currently working with Cancer Research UK, Sumi, has retrained as a fullstack JavaScript & TypeScript software developer.

In her spare time, Sumi continues to write and paint in watercolours.

concentric circles currently manages the following sites on a voluntary and not-for-profit basis.

Sumi Sastri’s technical blogs

Songbyrde Foundation

The official site of the Indian author and publisher, Prema Sastri

The Brackenbury Residents Association

 We do not collect customer data nor do we have any digital re-marketing campaigns that identify and use customer data.